Thursday, May 31, 2012

Two Reminders

Just a couple of reminders for everyone.

1>  The Deadtree Sale will end Saturday night.  So take advantage of this ASAP!

2>  The limited time offer of Quick Worlds 20: Atargatis for free will end this weekend as well.  So grab it while you can!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Deadtree Sale Until June 2!

Starting now until June 2, Gypsy Knights Games will be offering discounts on all of our print products through Drive-Thru RPG.  This applies to print products only.

Included in the sale are:

 21 Plots Too

and 21 Plots: Planetside

Subsector Sourcebook 1: Cascadia in both hardback and softback options.

Subsector Sourcebook 2: Franklin in softback.

and  The Hub Federation .

As usual, if you purchase a "deadtree" version of one of our products, you can choose to get the pdf absolutely free.

So act now!  You have until June 2!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Coming Soon!

DTRPG Wishlist Sale

If you currently have any of our products in your wishlist or cart at Drive-Thru RPG (or any of the One Bookshelf family of sites), you should be getting an email soon offering you 25% off that item. your email box!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wayne Foundation Charity Pack

Available only from May 4th – May 18th 2012

Mark your calendars for Friday, May 4th. That’s when The Wayne Foundation Charity RPG Pack will be available for sale! With $235 worth of product and retailing for just $25, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better bargain than this.
Want another reason to get excited? All of the profits raised from the sale of this pack will go directly to The Wayne Foundation – a 501(3)c charitable organization dedicated to ending child prostitution.  
This charity pack will get you a huge variety of amazing things! Complete RPG systems, books to supplement your D&D 4e, Pathfinder, Fate, G-core and other games, original character artwork, original short fiction and several full length novels!  You will find months, if not years of entertainment right here, in several convenient, fairly huge .zip file just waiting for you to download!

What’s included

RPGs and other tabletop games

·         Invulnerable – the Super Hero Roleplaying Game
·         G-Core
·         Misspent Youth
·         Mistrunner Core Rulebook
·         Perfect Unrevised
·         Azamar
·         Hope Prep #0: Orientation (ICONS)
·         Annalise
·         Quick Worlds #17 – Tal’Kalares (Traveller)
·         Quick Worlds #18 – Era (Traveller)
·         Quick Worlds #22 – Minerva (Traveller)
·         Quick Worlds #23 – Ararat (Traveller)
·         Adversairies: The Triad (G-Core)
·         Spirit of the Season (FATE)
·         Arcane Flavor (4e/GSL)
·         Dynamo RPG
·         Dark Sun Adventure: The Dark Festival (4e)
·         Stronghold Adventure 1: Goblins of Summerkeep (4e)
·         Stronghold Adventure 2: The Hobgoblins of Ravensport (4e)
·         War in the Deep (4e)
·         City of Talon (4e)
·         Book of Magic: Signature Spells 1 (Pathfinder)
·         Riyal’s Research: Traps (Pathfinder)
·         Legendary Factions: Common Factions 1 (Legend/RuneQuest)
·         Social Observance
·         Falcon Academy (Toys for the Sandbox) Exclusive

·         Enter the Shadowside
·         The Secret Fire
·         Kobold Quarterly #17 (Pathfinder/OGL)
·         Random Encounters Remastered (Pathdinfer)
·         Purple Mountain 1:
·         Temple of the Locust Lord (Pathfinder)
·         Dark Corners (FUDGE)
·         Argyle & Crew – Adventures in the Land of Skcos
·         Argyle & Crew’s Little Book of Big Ideas
·         Mi Gato se Incendia! (My Cat is on Fire!)
·         Mirkmoot I & II (Pathfinder)
·         World of Aruneus – Contagion Infected Zombies (Pathfinder)
·         World of Aruneus – Orcs!  (Pathfinder)
·         World of Aruneus – Herbology (Pathfinder)
·         Eclipse Phase



·         Rest for the Wicked: The Claire Wiche Chronicles Book 1
·         The Tormay Trilogy
·         Thieves at Heart
·         Betrovia
·         Breakdown at Pervert Park



·         Three original character pieces
Original Noir Photography
·         50 public domain Noir style-photographs

About the Wayne Foundation Charity RPG Pack

Organized by Benjamin Gerber from Troll in the Corner, this is the second year a group of generous independent game developers, artists and authors have come together to raise money for a great cause.

About The Wayne Foundation

The Wayne Foundation is committed to spreading awareness of CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children) and building a rehabilitation facility for victims DMST (Domestic Minor Sexual Trafficking). We acknowledge that sexual trafficking victims can be of any age, nationality, or sex. Our primary objective is to assist female DMST victims in the United States, but in the future we would like to expand our programs to additionally serve male and adult sex trafficking victims.

We believe that all victims can be rehabilitated through a program that provides education assistance, mental and physical health services, housing, and a support staff who are dedicated to assisting these girls reach their full potential. It is our objective to aid these young women until they are capable of reentering society on their own as happy and healthy adults.
The Wayne Foundation’s vision is for a world without child slavery. Our mission is to provide young women who have fallen victim to commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking with a means of leaving the sex industry for good. The Wayne Foundation is committed to fighting human trafficking, child prostitution, & child sex exploitation one victim at a time by providing individuals with a safe home environment that will empower them with the tools they will need to stop the cycle of abuse. It is our intent to end commercial sex exploitation within the United States through direct victim assistance, public outreach, and by directly working with those who shape the policies and statutes which impact victims and their abusers.

Founder and President Jamie Walton invites you to join her and Wayne Foundation on twitter. Be sure to follow the official WF Twitter account @TheWayneFDN&  @JamieWalton We want to hear from YOU!