Saturday, November 26, 2011

Alegis Downport Reviews Hiallt

Alegis Downport has reviewed Quick Worlds 14: Hiallt.  Overall, he gives it a good review but did note a problem with the world map.

This problem has since been corrected.  If you have purchased a copy of Hiallt, you should now be able to download a corrected copy.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving News

I hope all of those who celebrate Thanksgiving had a good one.

I, myself, spent Thursday evening with my family.  Today (thanks to being off from my dayjob due to the holiday) was spent working hard on two new Quick Worlds supplements which will see print sometime soon.  I think both of these have some rather unique qualities. I hope that you will find them entertaining and useful.

And we are working on some other projects as well (but not quite at a point where I can mention them yet).

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Quick Worlds 16: Serapis Released!

Quick Worlds 16: Serapis has been released and is available on Drive-Thru RPG!

Welcome to Serapis!  Serapis is a world with a once popular dictator who is clinging desperately to power.  He's a guy not even his mother could love!

The people are restless.  The royal family wants their power back.  The military is becoming more and more independent of civilian control.  

Serapis is a world of impending revolution and brewing intrigue.  Serapis is a world filled with adventure and impending chaos, but without a cup of coffee anywhere!

Quick Worlds 16: Serapis has been designed with the busy Referee in mind.  Serapis is meant to be an interesting and exciting place that can be easily added into any existing Traveller campaign.

And short of ideas?  We've added several adventure hooks to get your creative juices flowing and allow you to make a visit to Serapis one your characters will remember.

Look for other worlds in our Quick Worlds line coming soon!

"Traveller" and the Traveller logo are Trademarks owned by Far Future Enterprises, Inc. and are used with permission.  The Traveller Main Rulebook is available from Mongoose Publishing.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Had a really good time running a playtest during the late afternoon for an upcoming adventure we're planning.

Looking forward to running this one again at MystiCon in February.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Pre-Thanksgiving Sale!

Announcing our soon to be annual Pre-Thanksgiving Sale!  All of our products will 20% from Nov 14th (10am EST) until Nov 21st (10am EST).  

You can see our entire catalog here. 

Check it out!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Designer's Diary: Quick Worlds

I was asked by the editor of Roleplayers Chronicle to write a column concerning the Quick Worlds series.  That article has now been posted on their website and you can check it out here!

I'm very honored to have been asked to contribute and I hope you enjoy the article.